Thursday, February 19, 2009

Los Angeles has been a ridiculous ride.

New car.
New apartment.
New Job, scratch that, looking for a new job.

2009 is about bigger and hopefully better because if its about sucking - I'd really like to get that memo.

Leaving the country for a month and am hoping to have some interesting times while I'm at it.

Here's to a different kind of life.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

It is amazing what a year can do to an individual...

I am still here and have relocated across the country for the sake of knowledge and experience. Well, I definitely got knowledge -- experience, not so much.

Updates to come.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Did I mention I have left New York City for the bright flashy flash of another big city?


Uh, didn't think so. So am no longer a gallivanting New Yorker but a slow curmudgeon. In other words, a Los Angelian

All right, so I've decided to get over myself and simply right this spec. Well, not so simply. It's more like I've dragged my feet long enough and I have the time. My main problem was taking the basic concept but changing variations of the story, like locale, character exchanges, and varying scenarios telling the same thing. I kept thinking it should be better, the story could move quicker, and just have a stronger script. It was a very self-defeating move because NOTHING was ever good enough. Now, I'm trying to force myself into making the story I need to make without chucking every three lines.

It'll definitely make for a bigger body of work.

And since I doubt I'll ever write for the show I'm basing my spec on, I might as well make this work so I can move onto another project. Move forward should be the theme of this week. Hell, the theme of this year for all I care.

I have new digs. Well, four walls and a bathroom AND kitchen. Before it was just four walls and bathroom. This is a step in the right direction. Hopefully goal is to actually eat real food nowadays cause I've been going down hard and fast. My eating habits have gone to pot and I know it. This new apartment should hopefully lead to a better way of life.

Five months here now. Well four. But only if you really count since I got here in January but it's May and I'm still here. Go me! On this note, I've said many times before that I'd love to relocate to the NorthWest Coast like Vancouver but I'm not Canadian so that may hurt my chances. In the next year, if I make the right connections, I can move forward once again and find a way to relocate for another year. And then, I settle. This is with the goal of finding the right place to live for good (*fingers crossed*) and make it my home. I had a short list and I've been to almost every place I've wanted to visit except for London. And Vancouver. Two cities are all I have left. Not bad, considering the list.

Anyway, one of my cousins (one of MANY) is getting married. This one was always considered the Rebel out of our family but the fact that he's getting married has me FLOORED. Maybe we are getting never see it coming until it broadsides you like in a black, fully-accessorized silver-rimmed Escalade. What? It seems to be the thing here.....who knew cars were more than four wheels, body, and an engine. I really didn't.

NO more jabbering from me. But I'm hoping that I can start pushing the writing thing and the blogging thing here (no my LJ account doesn't count) so that I can keep my thoughts flowing so they don't gum up the works so to speak.

Hello 2007, you never looked as terrifying as you do now.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I hadn't realized my complete and utter dependence on coffee until I spent three weeks trying to live without it. My four cup a day habit was cut back severely, but a quick trip to the market this week has prevailed. Found these coffee-filled tea bags, um, not sure if that made much sense but you get the jist. Coffee-on-a-string! Anyway, it's a tonne weaker than what I'm used to but it's strong enough to stave off the over ominous caffeine withdrawl.

I leave Atlanta on Tuesday and as much as I hate to fly, I am taking a plane back. Not so sure why I get rattled during take-off. But I know that I'll be counting my blessings when we start our descent but that's the way it goes. I'm a ball of nerves until the 1/2 hour where our captain and co-captain focus all their energy on making sure I do make it back to terra firma in one piece.

I know this comes off somewhat selfish but I don't wanna go out in itty bitty parts. Anyway, will try and refrain from air flight for a while, unless it's to California or England, but seriously I'm not planning on going anywhere by air.

Totally random: If there's one thing I've picked up from being back South is their penchance for all things fried and bad for you. Wow, I sure did spend most of my time eating. Not that I'm complaining, it'll just be easier to play off that I'm actually working out if when I make it back to the gym.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

So, at ohmygod o'clock in the morning, it started storming. It kept me up for most of the night not because it freaked me out, but because the sky looked light blue and everything shimmered. Lightning isn't so intimidating when you're in a big house covered in trees. Well, it was a great summer storm in the rapidly cooling air of Atlanta, Georgia. For some reason, you don't get to see it quite like that.

I have about five days left until I return to New York City from Atlanta, Georgia. If I can, I might try and swing a wee trip to Toronto and catch the film festival. But there may be work soon and well, not staying in the Black Hole of Brooklyn -- straight haven of Evil -- my apartment also works for me. Am going to take pictures of the Atlanta and may take a quick trip to D*C and take evidence of their wickedry, let alone their goofiness.

Right now, am trapped in a pretty big house with one hairy dog, and three long-haired cats. With my allergies, this is as close to hell I can get. Welcome to Purgatory, sunshine! Kick up your feet and shake it easy.

Monday, August 21, 2006

First set of posts from a galavanting twenty-something across the U.S. and documenting her life and loves while living in New York City.
