Saturday, September 02, 2006

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I hadn't realized my complete and utter dependence on coffee until I spent three weeks trying to live without it. My four cup a day habit was cut back severely, but a quick trip to the market this week has prevailed. Found these coffee-filled tea bags, um, not sure if that made much sense but you get the jist. Coffee-on-a-string! Anyway, it's a tonne weaker than what I'm used to but it's strong enough to stave off the over ominous caffeine withdrawl.

I leave Atlanta on Tuesday and as much as I hate to fly, I am taking a plane back. Not so sure why I get rattled during take-off. But I know that I'll be counting my blessings when we start our descent but that's the way it goes. I'm a ball of nerves until the 1/2 hour where our captain and co-captain focus all their energy on making sure I do make it back to terra firma in one piece.

I know this comes off somewhat selfish but I don't wanna go out in itty bitty parts. Anyway, will try and refrain from air flight for a while, unless it's to California or England, but seriously I'm not planning on going anywhere by air.

Totally random: If there's one thing I've picked up from being back South is their penchance for all things fried and bad for you. Wow, I sure did spend most of my time eating. Not that I'm complaining, it'll just be easier to play off that I'm actually working out if when I make it back to the gym.


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